It is 1897 and the sun never sets on the British Empire. Queen Victoria rules with an iron fist from her palace in Birmingham whilst London remains under siege by the British Army.
Creatures of myth and legend pour through portals in space and time called Aether Gates, opened after a catastrophic demonstration by Dr Nikola Tesla at the Great Exhibition of 1880. The earth-born humans face a continual battle for survival developing technology powered by the very same Aether that has proven to be the death of so many. Aethermancers wield the power of the Aether in the name of Queen Victoria and the Empire, as the Holy Order of Knights Aether battles Vampyres and Werewolves in Aether- and Steam-powered Battle Suits.
Another, dirtier, war rages in the streets of the great cities of England, and inhospitable landscapes such as Dartmoor. The Sanction, tasked to defend the Empire against all threats find themselves facing Torquemaster and his torque-bound slaves, the greatest threat to humanity in history. In this war, no quarter is given.
Creatures of myth and legend pour through portals in space and time called Aether Gates, opened after a catastrophic demonstration by Dr Nikola Tesla at the Great Exhibition of 1880. The earth-born humans face a continual battle for survival developing technology powered by the very same Aether that has proven to be the death of so many. Aethermancers wield the power of the Aether in the name of Queen Victoria and the Empire, as the Holy Order of Knights Aether battles Vampyres and Werewolves in Aether- and Steam-powered Battle Suits.
Another, dirtier, war rages in the streets of the great cities of England, and inhospitable landscapes such as Dartmoor. The Sanction, tasked to defend the Empire against all threats find themselves facing Torquemaster and his torque-bound slaves, the greatest threat to humanity in history. In this war, no quarter is given.