Saturday, 20 August 2011

How talking about The Kingdom, prompted me to write about primary, secondary and tertiary bombings

#selfprotectionadvice -

If you see an evacuation on television in your town because of a bomb threat, don't EVER go to that point if there is another threat. Either work out a meeting point in advance, or go home.

Why do I say this? Because we had the unsuccessful bomb attack in Exeter, and they showed the evacuation line. Then we had a 'false alarm' and they did the same thing, and at exactly the same damn place. In that very area, are a number of thick metal bins that, if I was a very bad person, would make excellent places for secondary and tertiary attacks.

They'd even make a great place for a primary, secondary and tertiary attack point. Plant a fake bomb, have everyone evacuated to the same point and then detonate the first bomb. Then wait for the emergency services to arrive and blow the secondary. The tertiary? That's to deal with the second wave of emergency services, who now have to not only deal with civilian casualties, but also deal with their injured friends. The response is immediately hamstrung.

The simple message? Get the heck away as soon as you can. Make plans for this sort of thing in advance.

1) Agree who is going to call who. If you're both trying to call each other, you face the very real risk of engaged lines and a lot of added and uncessary stress.

2) Agree a place that you will meet up in. If you can't meet at that place, have back-up places, or just agree to make your way home (KISS).
3) Do not, never, ever hang around at the evacuation point. It might well be the last thing you do.

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